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| rclaudiu~AT~sympatico~DOT~ca |
Am ramas surprins de calitatea revistei ORIZONT AVIATIC; Vad insa ca ultimul numar e din 2004; Care e cauza? Traian Claudiu Rotaru
3 June 2009 - TORONTO CANADA
Q:What makes a rocket fly? A:Funding... :( |
| tibor_h~AT~hotmail~DOT~com |
Hello i search a persson in Arad and i want to find a telefon number for this persson the name it's Simandan Adrian and it's a table tennis coach and a profesor in a university in Arad; Thanks for the answer;
3 May 2009 - Belgium
| artemis25~AT~sympatico~DOT~ca |
Do you have any information about Lengyel Cabinetmakers? Do they still exist in Arad? Feel free to respond in German or Rumanian;
21 April 2009 - Canada
Gayle Kitchen
| gkitchen~AT~wi~DOT~rr~DOT~com |
I'd like information on Franz Margert or his parents Nickolaus Margert and Margaretha Huck-especially pictures of them or ancestors;
15 April 2009 - Schondorf/Frumseni
Gayle Kitchen
| gkitchen~AT~wi~DOT~rr~DOT~com |
I am trying to locate relatives to my grandfather Franz Margert/his dad Nickolaus, his wife Margaretha Logel and their ancestors;Margaretha Huck, Ignatz huck, Anton Huck, Margaretha Weiler, Theresia Bernecker, Friedrich Weiler, Eva Becker, Johann Logel, Barbara Braun, Jakob Braun, Elizabeth Dorner, Magdelena Grunzweig, Josef Grunzweig, Anna Maria Schlett, Franz Schlett, Walburga Muller; My grandparents lived in Scondorf and immigrated to Ny, in 1903 and then lived in Milwaukee as I do now; I need info and pics please;
14 April 2009 - Schondorf/Frumuseni
Franz Baumann
| franz-j~DOT~baumann~AT~freenet~DOT~de |
Hallo, I'm searching for peoples from Sanmartin (Arad); My father Francisc Baumann was born there in 1925; In 1942 he was send to WW2; For genealogical research of my family im looking for person who named Baumann,Dürner,Kugler,Hatzeloffer and Eisenbeil,Illich,Lustig,Hirt because my ancestors had this names; If someone know about these names contact me by email, please;It would be a graet help for me;
15 February 2009 - Triftern (Germany)
Rusz Laura (Covaci)
| la_mona_pretty~AT~yahoo~DOT~de |
Buna Arad; Sint din Austria si sint plecata din Romania de 18 ani ;Mi-as dori sa imi gasesc prieteni si colegii,poate ca cineva ma poate ajuta si ii cunoaste ;Arman Florin si a stat pe str; Fat- Frumos; El are inca o sora mai mare si un frate mai mic ; Pe Mihoc (numele de fata) Tatiana;Lingurar (numele de fata)Laura si am fost impreuna in aceeasi in clasa in per; anilor1987-1989 la Liceul ind; nr; 6;Colegii mei de clasa I-VIII A de la scoala gen; nr; 10 Gai in ani 1979-1987;Luminita,Ildi ,Moni,Spataru Olimpia,Gabriela,Melina,Cucu Mihaela;si alti prieteni,Apostol Vasile ,Gruia Florin;Daca ii cunoaste cineva va rog sa imi scrieti;Adresa mea de email este la_mona_pretty@yahoo;de
31 January 2009 - Austria,
| big_red_0489~AT~hotmail~DOT~com |
I spent 3 weeks working in Varfurile in summer 2005; June/July; Anyone who was at Copii Pentru Cristos around that time get in touch! Im from Scotland;
28 September 2008 - Scotland
| tapasantonio~AT~web~DOT~de |
live musik for hotels and restaurantes we was in arat ratio beach thanks for good time
25 September 2008 - berlin
| info~AT~milordclub~DOT~it |
Vrei sa lucrezi cu noi ? Chiamà !!! Night Club MILORD, seleziona ragazze esclusivamente di bella e buona presenza, determinate e interessate a lavorare come artiste ballerine e figuranti di sala, da inserire presso il proprio locale nella provincia di Arezzo; Esclusivamente per parlare o danzare con i clienti; Si offre alloggio gratuito, assunzione a norma di legge; Lavoro di sicuro interesse e buoni guadagni; Visita milordclub;it; Oppure contattaci al +39 0575603544 info@milordclub;it;
7 September 2008 - Italy
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