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Clare Stanley (Rivis)
| clares~AT~mit~DOT~edu |
looking for family name Rivis from Comlaus Arad county; emigrated to chicago/detroit area around 1905;
4 June 2007 - USA
Dana (Leahu) C;
| dana_ciurdar~AT~yahoo~DOT~com |
Vreau sa transmit salutari colegilor mei si dirigintei Marian Eugenia clasa 12 C 1991 LIC; IND; NR;2 ARAD; Toate cele bune!
10 May 2007 - USA
Emanuel Boboiu
| alimanus666~AT~hotmail~DOT~com |
Ma bucur ca orasul meu are un astfel de site; Momentan stau in Cluj, iar faptul ca aici pot urmari stirile postului TVA ma incanta enorm; Sa continuati!
21 April 2007 - Cluj-Napoca
| romare~AT~gmail~DOT~com |
de unde stiu ca site-ul asta are 15 mi de vizitatori unici? de ce nu sunteti inscrisi pe trafic;ro?
4 May 2007 - ro
agi bercse
| agi_kovacs~AT~gmx~DOT~de |
hallo 8 sept intlnire 30 ani clasa 1977 a b liceul nr 3 va pup agi bercse
27 April 2007 - germany
| tapasantonio~AT~web~DOT~de |
hey from germany thanks ratiu beach for the busines in tables best restaurante in arrad 030383 08731
2 April 2007 - germany
| amender~AT~sbcglobal~DOT~net |
Caut fostii colegi de scoala de la Liceul Industrial #9 din Arad anul 1990 profilul Zootehnie;
13 February 2007 - Chicago, USA
| atymczak~AT~yahoo~DOT~com |
I grew up in Birchis, having spent some of my happiest days of my childhood there; I fondly remember Sundays at the Orthodox church, where my grandfather, Dumitru Bulzan sang at the altar, spending endless summer days at my grandparents' home, going in the woods in search of mushrooms and "brinduse" with my grandfather; I look forward to a time when I can bring my own children to Birchis to recapture the magic of my own childhood; There has never been a Christmas when I haven't remembered a traditional Birchis Christmas, complete with the "dubasi" and Christmas Eve mass at the church; What a wonderful surprise to find this website, complete with pictures of the place I love most; A true treat!
4 February 2007 - Canada
Draut Martin
| mdraut~AT~hotmail~DOT~com |
étonnant de trouver une localité qui porte mon nom mes salutations aux habitants
30 January 2007 - Luxembourg
Nagy Gabi
| nagygabi~AT~rdslink~DOT~ro |
Salvati Sageata Verde!
28 January 2007 - Arad Romania
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